A wandering boy

Salam Taaruf,

Hello 💕,

Introduction: It has been a long time since Muaz visited Blogger to write incredible posts for all of you. He loves Blogger so much he uses it on all of his blogs. He even uses it as his first website's host eight years later! One of his blogs was Frendzon with
and readers around 
Muaz's 1st website!

Muaz is still the childish and untalented person you people all know and love, and I agree that he wasted his whole life on persuing something he hates so much which is doing nothing all day.. yeah... now, he is aiming for the things he loves the most which is world domination!! Dum dum dum~~!

He has collaborated with a handful of people all year long!(why do you think he has a long hiatus hmm?) From all field of work like mechatronics, computer science, animation and acoustics to find himself liking these fields. Still, in his imaginative brain, he could not compete with any of them. They are out of his league, literally!

Soon, Muaz found himself trapped in self-doubt about his life choices like (Is art class worth it?) or (Is my waifu the best?). Hmm, very important indeed. Time travel is not a thing in 2017, so a letter to Muaz's younger self will have to wait-lah.

Equipped with his beloved blogging platform, Muaz starts a new adventure on the Internet. From fine printed terms and conditions to horrible paedophiles aiming for little children, he aims to put Jutaringgit on Internet's traffic jam no matter how much blood, sweat and tears it is going to take to get it! Is it worth it?

Making profits through endorsement, affiliation and donation, Jutaringgit will continue to strive on the Internet as long as Internet Neutrality stands and certified couch potato, Muaz, does his work right. Well, you can skip this now >>

End: Using Muaz's Internet prowess, marketing and organic readers will be coming for more content 24/7,... #2018soon
